Matching Courses
Introduction to supporting Physics teaching
Management of chemicals in school science departments
Audit training for D&T, Food and Art departments (online)
Health & safety for Science technicians
Introduction to supporting Biology & Chemistry teaching
Prep room management & H&S for senior Science technicians
Safety examination of autoclaves, pressure cookers, and model steam engines
Supporting safe & successful classroom Physics
Microbiology - Antimicrobials course
Technical Support for Microbiology Theory Course (Online)
Safety with chemicals for technicians
Reduced & micro scale chemistry
Fume cupboard testing (half day)
Microbiology - serial dilutions and fungi course
Health & safety for Science technicians follow on (online)
Health & safety in Design Technology follow on course (online)
Health & safety for Science technicians self-study (online)
Health & safety for the Science department
Auditing Science departments and H&S Management for Senior Science Technicians
Audit training for Science departments (online)
Health & safety in Design Technology self-study course (online)
Health and Safety for DT Technicians (Conference)
Health & safety management in D&T
Assessing & Managing Risk in Art & Design
D&T Department Safety (Departmental course)
Technicians Training Cluster - Summer 2023