CLEAPSS Supporting practical science and technology


CLEAPSS courses are delivered in suitable venues across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Technician Networks
If you have registered your technician group or network with CLEAPSS you have the option of arranging a training course solely for the members of your network. You ‘hire’ the CLEAPSS trainer for our standard fee of £999 and provide a suitable venue, refreshments and lunch. This approach would give your members access to high quality training in an accessible local venue at very low cost. Please see booking info below for more info.
H&S training for departments
CLEAPSS is able to offer one day school based courses for all the staff in a science or D&T department (teachers and technicians) for our standard fee of £999. Please see booking info below for more info.
Large Employers (for example a Local Authority or Multi Academy Trust)
If you are a large employer wishing to organise training exclusively for your own staff then please contact CLEAPSS to discuss whether you qualify for a fixed fee model. Please see booking info below for more info.
Booking Info
If you are interested in arranging a CLEAPSS course, please review our General Venue Requirements to ensure you have a suitable venue.

You MUST have a minimum of 10 participants for a course to run.
  • Your venue must have Unrestricted access to toilets throughout the event for participants and the tutor. (Escorting participants to the toilet is not acceptable)
  • You must provide refreshments: lunch plus tea/coffee on arrival and during the morning (and afternoon optional) Note: Where the course is taking place in a laboratory or workshop a separate space will be needed for refreshments – additional workshops, laboratories or prep rooms are not suitable spaces for this.
  • Your Training room must be easily accessible, ideally on the ground floor or with access via a lift (to enable equipment and resources to be moved easily)
  • CLEAPSS will not request that tutors bring DBS paperwork with them on courses as they will have no direct contact with students at your school. If this is not acceptable because of your schools safeguarding policy, then your school is not a suitable venue.
If you can meet these basic requirements please contact to request the venue requirements specific to the course you are interested in.

Please provide:
  • The name and address of your School / Technician Network / Multi Academy Trust
  • The full address of the venue for the course
  • The course(s) you would like to host.
  • When you would like to host the course(s) – please provide 3 dates that are at least 12 weeks from the date you submit them, we are unable to organise courses at short notice.
We aim to respond to all queries within 10 working days.