CLEAPSS Supporting practical science and technology
Health and Safety for Science Technicians self-study course (free of charge)
This is an online introductory course to health and safety for school science technicians. The course covers legislation and how this impacts on the management of health and safety in schools. There is a particular focus on employer's and employee's responsibilities with respect to the assessment of risk for hazardous activities undertaken by technicians in the workplace. Course participants will learn how to navigate and search the CLEAPSS? website with an emphasis on how to find and use the CLEAPSS model risk assessments relevant to the role of a school science technician. The training consists of a series of video presentations interspersed with self-study tasks that can be completed at your own pace. A follow up interactive training session is available to those who have completed this course.

There are no dates for this course as it is available on demand by clicking here.

Audience: Technicians, Senior Technicians
Subject(s): Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Health and Safety

Dates for this course
There are currently no dates scheduled for this course.

If you would like to register your interest in this course and receive email alerts when an new course is scheduled, please click here.

If you would like to organise a course for your School, Technicians Network, Multi Academy Trust or Local Authority, please click here.